Twilight Resurrected

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Twilight Resurrected at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Wickedtinker
Senior Officer(s) Alexthebest
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Honor Above All
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009

Twilight Resurrected was a newly formed crew of very seasoned sailors. They were under the leadership of Captain Wickedtinker but the crew would not have existed without the tight friendships that they had made both with each other and with their jobbers.


February 7, 2006: Twilight was founded by Captain Natsu and Senior Officer Wontaro.

Mid March, 2006: Twilight joined the newly formed flag Lunatic Fringe.

Late March, 2006: Natsu and Wontaro retired due to real life distractions. Analissa was promoted to captain and Sidewinder to senior officer.

May 27, 2006: Twilight assisted Lunatic Fringe in Admiral III, resulting in the flag's acquisition of the island.

October 13, 2006: Twilight joined the flag Candy Coated Chaos

January 14, 2007: Twilight left the flag Candy Coated Chaos

January 19, 2007: Twilight created the flag Red Dawn.

March 20, 2007: Twilight left the flag Red Dawn.

March 22, 2007: Twilight joined the flag Passive Aggression.

June 25, 2007: The majority of Twilight left and formed Twilight Resurrected, while the remaining Twilight merged with Orestes.

July 7, 2007: Twilight Resurrected jonied the flag Honor Above All

Public Statement

Welcome Aboard!

We are a really supportive group of pirates just having FUN! We love to pillage most nights of the week, so we would love to have you join us in the action!

Promotion Requirements!

To Become a:

Cabin Person: Just ask any Twilight Resurrected officer and we'll be glad to let you join us!

Pirate: Have 2 broads and 1 Solid in Piracy skills (Pirate Badge required)

Officer: Broad in most pirate skills, 2 MASTER stats (one **must** be in gunning), and 1 RENOWNED in another piracy stat. Our trust is very important and we expect loyalty. We test all of our officers. Please come to one of the higher ranked officers once feel ready for your bnav test. ***A real pillage test will be administered before you are promoted to officer.*** (Officer Badge required)

Fleet Officer: Higher experience/standings (Solids/Weightys/Renowneds/etc.) in piracy puzzles and a higher level of trust from the officers. This requires an increased amount of leadership and responsibility. We will ask officers personally for this rank. Please do not beg for this position. You will be approached.

Senior Officer: Higher experience/standings in piracy puzzles and highest level of trust from the officers. This requires an increased amount of leadership and responsibility. We will ask officers personally for this rank. Please do not beg for this position. You will be approached. (Senior Officer Badge required).