Fear and Clothing

From YPPedia
Fear and Clothing
Left-facing Tailor Bazaar on
Swampfen Island (Jade Archipelago)
Meridian Ocean
Owner Altofmain
Erected November 2006
Building-Meridian-Fear and Clothing.png

Fear and Clothing is a tailor bazaar on Swampfen Island on the Meridian Ocean. Prior to the ocean merge on January 31st, 2012, the building was located on the Viridian Ocean.


On Viridian

The building was erected under the governance of RiddleMakers and continues with the naming theme for Swampfen: Viridian flags. It was named after the flag Fear and Loathing. Previous owners include Berzerker, Jadexabel, Orsino, Anubiss and Andrax.

On Meridian

It was renamed to United We Suit by the flag United We Stand, but was later renamed back to Fear and Clothing.

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