Dark Guardians/Officer Training

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You have found yourself on the Dark Guardians officer training guide, where you will learn to run a successful sloop pillage. Please note that this guide is written to go hand in hand with the training of one of the senior officers of the crew and is aimed on the Crimson Ocean so details regarding things for the normal ocean have been omitted.

First Things First

Great, you have successfully been identified as potential officer material, however, becoming an Officer is not all fun and games, it comes with a great deal of responsibility as well, You must remember that you will be seen as a senior figure of the crew by the jobbers and particularly greenies, even if you yourself do not feel like you are. It is important to remember that this is only a game, and you shouldn't take it too seriously that you start making it unpleasant for others; you will give yourself and the crew a bad reputation and will quickly lose your officer rank. Also, remember not to jump to conclusions quickly, as you almost certainly won't have all the facts, and it is important to be fair when dealing with any on ship issues.

Pre-Pilly Checklist

You will need the following in order to run a pilly:

  • A senior officer on board to watch you, instruct you, and to temporarily promote you (first voyage only)
  • Approximately 100 to 200 SMALL cannonballs (medium or large wont work, and you will get a feel for how many you will need)

WORK IN PROGRESS - Article not yet finished