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Chelspet is founder and captain of the crew Eternal Enigma on the Sage Ocean. She is also a princess in the flag Honor Above All.

Chelspet began her pirate career on Sage shortly after the ocean opened in August 2005. The first crew she joined, Devil’s Crew, taught her a lot about the ocean. After being promoted to pirate in order to get a larger cut of the booty (since the crew split according to crew loyalty) Chelspet began to work towards becoming an officer. At the time she joined, the crew was under the leadership of Scardey. She became officer shortly before Scardey retired and Trace took over. At the time, the crew was under the flag of The Red Flag Armada. Chelspet spent the majority of her piratey life in Devil’s Crew which, eventually, came under the leadership of Trumpet, and began its own flag, Devil’s Desire. In Devil’s Crew Chelspet peaked her stats, able to brag at one time that gunning, which was Grand Master, was her lowest skill in all piracy puzzles. She was even able to achieve full Ultimate at swordfighting, though it lasted for no more than 15 minutes. Chelspet’s bragging backfired on her, and a lost swordfight with a hearty made her lose her the Ultimate. Unfortunately, since that occurred before trophies were around, Chelspet has no evidence that she ever had Ultimate in anything aside from Sailing.

While in Devil’s Crew, Chelspet bought her beloved sloop, the Absent Mackerel. It has stuck with her through thick and thin. Chelspet’s first ship, and without a doubt her favorite, it’s the one she still uses most often. Currently it is painted blue/white, but has hopes of eventually being painted black/white. Chelspet’s rat, Scabbers, has made this ship his home, and he guards it against thievery and getting lost. He also eats any fruit left on the ship, though after three months of limes he’s grateful for the recent switch to coconuts. Despite the Absent Mackerel being Chelspet’s favorite ship, she forgets where it’s ported on a regular basis, and has to keep a whisking potion on her constantly because of her habit of porting on uninhabited islands.

Chelspet remained in Devil’s Crew when Devil’s Bane was formed, and lost track of many of the officers who left. It was about a month before she encountered Cthreepo, a former officer of Devil’s Crew. At that time, Cthreepo was a senior officer in Devil’s Bane. Chelspet then began to entertain the idea of joining Devil’s Bane. When Devil’s Crew began to encounter difficulties many officers began to leave the crew. Chelspet eventually joined this trend when she found herself becoming increasingly discontent with the crew.

After leaving Devil’s Crew Chelspet joined Devil’s Bane. Though she enjoyed the crew, Chelspet found she didn’t wish to remain there. Seeking a change Chelspet followed the advice of her hearty, Blackalicous, and joined Greed’s Ambassadors. She remained with this group of insane and amusing pirates for a while, and was a member of the flag Notorious for the first time. Though Chelspet was happy with Greed’s Ambassadors another hearty of hers offered her a challenge; to help him start up a new crew. Since Chelspet had grown lazy in her pillaging, and found herself sailing more than leading pillages, Chelspet decided to take Lykojeyot up on his offer and attempt to help him start his crew.

Chelspet left Greed’s Ambassadors to begin her first attempt at starting up a crew. Lykojeyot formed Crystal Serpents, and the crew appeared promising until Lykojeyot was forced into dormancy due to game problems. With a dormant captain, the crew slowly began to fail, and Chelspet left. She traveled back to Devil’s Bane and stayed there until she heard that a number of officers from Devil’s Crew, including the former captain, Trumpet, were starting a new crew, Metamorphosis. Eager to see old officers again, Chelspet joined the new crew, and eventually became a senior officer. Though Chelspet liked all the officers in the crew, she was unhappy with it, and left a day after becoming a senior officer. Once again, she left to help a small crew.

This time, the crew was the Deadly Saints, captained by Elvengard. After time constraints limited her ability to log on and pillage, Chelspet left the crew to join a more established crew, and shortly afterwards the Deadly Saints disbanded. Though she was sad to see yet another crew fall apart, she was glad to be returning to Notorious, to join Burninator in his newly formed crew Shanghaied. Promoted straight to senior officer, Chelspet stayed in the crew until she was once again offered a chance to be senior officer in a hearty's brand new crew. Though this crew didn’t last long, and Chelspet left due to a disagreement with the captain, she met Drillgirl, who would eventually become the first senior officer in Chelspet’s crew.

Chelspet returned to a familiar flag, Phoenix Rising, but joined a new crew, The Grateful Dead. Chelspet remained in the crew until the crew left Phoenix Rising due to a disagreement with the other crews. It was at this time that Chelspet began debating making her own crew. The idea was met with a large amount of discouraging feedback, but eventually Chelspet found support from Drillgirl. At this time Chelspet decided she would stick with her current crew until she was able to start her own; however, this did not occur. Once again, a hearty offered her a place as a senior officer in his crew, and once again Chelspet accepted, and left The Grateful Dead.

After leaving Chelspet joined her former captain Elvengard in Picklator’s crew, The Flame Champions. In this crew she met Dragonxyz and Danaga, both who would later help her start her own crew. Chelspet stayed in The Flame Champions until she was ready to start her own crew, Eternal Enigma. The crew was started on October 24, 2007, with the help of Drillgirl, Seahippie, Superemokid, Dragonxyz, and Danaga. Chelspet’s crew, Eternal Enigma, joined Notorious in October, shortly after the crew was formed. Though Chelspet at times feels more like a greenie than a captain, she enjoys the challenge provided by her crew, and is anxious to see it succeed and grow.

Chelspet mainly plays on Sage, though she has alts on every ocean, except Ice.

Random Facts

Chelspet is a little obsessed with matching everything she has, so a shopping trip involves buying a new outfit, sword, and bludgeon. This habit proved to be pricey when she abandoned blue/white for black/white, then black/purple. Luckily, thanks to a series of recent blockades, she now has a fish to match just about any color she could start buying. In fact, she sadly enough has a house to match just about any color she chooses to wear.

Chelspet originally played on Midnight Ocean, under a pirate who no longer exists. She switched to Sage after she discovered the difference between a doubloon and a subscriber Ocean. Her Midnight pirate never got above cabin person, but was an amazing drinker.

Chelspet attempted to quit the game twice. Neither attempt lasted more than two days. A third attempt is not expected any time soon, but she is hoping third time lucky.