Galanothx started his career by joining the Midnight Aurora. After sailing with them for about a month, he left the crew to explore the rest of the Viridian Ocean, joining several crews along the way. Upon gaining the proper experience, he started his own crew, the Scurvey Mates, which he was Captain of until it's decline and fall. He is also known as a very skilled swordfighter usually ranking in the top 20 of the ocean.
In more recent time he has been seen at many of the latest blockades and is a Blockade Naver for his flag Regnum Irae. He also helped his old flag Antheas win third place in the King of the Sloop Event Blockade. He has recently become a very skilled Battle Navigator on ships of all sizes he attributes his rise in Battle Navigating ability to Scarymuffin of the Sage ocean. He also has become a skilled Pvp'er and has Blockade Nav'd for his Flag several times.
Top Swordfighting Rank to date 1st in the Viridian Ocean Sage Ocean and Midnight Ocean
On September 8 2007, Galanothx won Tan Monkey in an automated Swordfighting tournament on Sage. Later sold to Crazee
Won Filthy Lucre in 2006
Won Battle Bouquet on February 14th 2007
Won Fruitcake (SF) on January 14th 2007
Won Antediluvian Conch Tourney (SF) in August 2007
Purposely lost in the final match of a Antediluvian Conch tourney (SF) to win a Sleeping Turtle.
- Current Prince of Regnum Irae
- Formerly served as Prince of the flag Von Grey
- Formerly served as Prince of the flag Antheas
- Formerly served as Prince of the flag Black Horizon
- Former Captain of the crew Scurvey Mates
- Former Captain of the crew Tarts R' Us