Hunter Ocean

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"Hunter" redirects here. For a pirate called Hunter, see Hunter (pirate). For the island named Hunter's Point, see Hunter's Point.

Hunter Ocean was the third doubloon ocean and was opened on 2006-04-20. [1] It was merged into the Emerald Ocean on 31 Jan 2012.

Hunter has forty-three islands divided among seven archipelagos. The archipelagos are named after astronomical features (e.g, the constellation of Orion, the Pleiades open cluster, the Horse Head nebula). It has the same layout as Opal Ocean.

Canis Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Armstrong Island^ Large
Atchafalaya Island Medium
Immokalee Island Large
Moultrie Island Large
Sho-ke Island Medium
Sirius Island* Large
Tumult Island^ Outpost
Crab Archipelago Chart star blue.png
The Beaufort Islands Medium
Messier's Crown Outpost
Nunataq Island Outpost
Paollu Island Outpost
Qaniit Island Medium
Eagle Archipelago Chart star purple.png
Cambium Island Outpost
Hubble's Eye^ Medium
Ilha da Aguia^ Medium
Ix Chel^ Outpost
Manu Island^ Outpost
Horse Head Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Anegada Island^ Outpost
Barnard Island Outpost
The Lowland Hundred^ Medium
Lyonesse Island Outpost
Myvatn Island Medium
Orion Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Aimuari Island^ Large
Chachapoya Island^ Large
Matariki Island Outpost
Pukru Island^ Medium
Quetzal Island^ Large
Saiph Island^ Outpost
Toba Island Large
Pleiades Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Accompong Island^ Outpost
Gallows Island^ Outpost
Iocane Island^ Outpost
Maia Island* Medium
Morgana Island Outpost
Paihia Island^ Outpost
Umbarten Island Outpost
Ursa Archipelago Chart star red.png
Alkaid Island*^ Large
Doyle Island^ Medium
Edgar's Choice Large
Isle of Keris Large
Marlowe Island^ Outpost
McGuffin's Isle Outpost
Sayers Rock^ Large

* - denotes capital
^ - denotes colonized

See also

External links