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{{Avatar artist |
Forumusername= Aliceness |
Sampleavatar1= Aliceness.png |
Sampleavatar2= Aliceness3.png |
Sampleavatar3= Kirppu1.png |
Prices= 1-5k |
Paymentoceans= Doubloon Oceans |
Forumpost= http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=158383 |
Updateyear= 2010 |
Updatemonth= August |

Revision as of 15:48, 4 September 2010


Mangouste is a fleet officer and Muse of the crew Epic Disaster. She used to play as Kohama, where she was a part of Rolling Thunder for about 4 years. Mangouste also makes avatars.


Mangouste, often called Mango, started playing in 2005 under another name. She recently started over on Mangouste, and is enjoying life in a crew that has no cabin people. Her younger brother is Asup. Mangouste owns a Townhouse located on Tigerleaf Mountain.



This listing is out of date. Please see the instructions at Template talk:Avatar artist for how to update this listing.

Prices: 1-5k
Payments taken on: Doubloon Oceans
Avatars by Aliceness forum post | More avatars by this artist Last updated: August 2010