Kazin was a pirate in the crew Fun Fame and Fortune and member of the flag Systematic Destruction. This pirate has been deleted.
Kazin was the 2nd generation of Xxownage and began his pirate life on July 25,2009. His first crew was Fun Fame and Fortune which was led by one of his old pals Ccfcamy.
- Sublime Carpentry
- Getting a ship
- Ultimate poker, Blacksmithing, Drinking and spades
- Getting a familiar
Xxownage was a fleet officer of the crew Fun Fame and Fortune and member of the flag Systematic Destruction. This pirate has been deleted.
Xxownage started walking the pirate path in May 2008.
He jumped around in a few crews until he joined Royal Angels FWF Stars where he stayed for awhile, eventually he joined POEtry In Motion where he became a senior officer. Then while POEtry In Motion was crumbling, he decided to return to Royal Angels FWF Stars on March 2, 2009. Unfortunately he was left as a cabin person. So he decided to go to Ccfcamy's crew Fun Fame and Fortune where he was held as a fleet officer.
Xxownage suddenly disappeared from Puzzle Pirates on July 2009. He made a new pirate after a few weeks and his generation continued. His new name was Kazin, and yet he rejoined Ccfcamy's crew Fun Fame and Fortune as a pirate.
- Top Blacksmithing
- Ultimate Drinking
- Ultimate poker
- Ultimate spades
- Getting a familiar