Crazy Nubs

From YPPedia
(Redirected from Fun Fame and Fortune)
Crazy Nubs at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Ccfcamy
Senior Officer(s) Deidreodonll, Goldhat, Lugger (ALL are dormant)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Illusion
Founded 2 March, 2009
Last updated on 16 November, 2016
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Crazy Nubs.jpg

Crazy Nubs is a crew on the Emerald Ocean in the flag Illusion. It was originally named Fun Fame and Fortune.

Public statement

Formally known as Fun Fame and Fortune

Extended public statement

This is a newly forming crew, we aim to do well, acheive great things, but most importantly have fun. If you like fun then this is the crew for you. For further information send a /tell to Ccfcamy.

RANK REQUIREMENTS! Captain - Ccfcamy (Goldhat is 2nd in charge if im not around) .

Senior Officer - Only trusted friends.

Fleet Officer - A ship. Be trusted by both Captain and all Senior Officers. At least 3 Respected and 2 Masters on stats. One of these Respected stats must be Bnav or Guns.

Officer - If you have a ship you will automatically be promoted to Officer. If you do not own a ship, then you will need at least 3 Respected and 3 Distinguished stats. One of these Distinguished stats must be Bnav or Guns.

Pirate - As soon as you join this crew you will automatically be promoted to pirate.

Cabin Person - This rank is a punishment in this crew.


This Crew once flew under the flag Happy Hour on the former Hunter Ocean.

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