Varx is a fairly new pirate on the Viridian Ocean. He was made in early January of 2009. He is a fleet officer in the crew Obscure Spirits. He owns a sloop and a war brig. The sloop is green and white and the war brig is unpainted. He owns a shack that is chock full of furniture. He doesn't have very many accomplishments so far, considering he was created in January.
Varxaren is an older version of the same pirate on the Viridian Ocean and currently a senior officer for the crew, Hannah Montana Club. He owns a war brig and a sloop that is painted aqua and lime, and used to own a war frigate and an ironworking stall located on Lima Island. He has owned many sloops.
He hopes to create his own crew, and wishes to become an accomplished Atlantis navigator. He has taken his War Brigs into Atlantis a few times, and even a war frigate twice. He wants to own a fairly good sized house and have it nicely furnished. One of his biggest dreams is to become fairly good at all of the piracy puzzles; especially Bilging, Navigation and Rumble. He now has a hook injury which is visible on his pirate page. He hopes to get a starfish injury and an eye patch someday.
His hobbies are Atlantis, poker, Sailing, and almost any parlor game. He also enjoys fighting skellies but has never fought zombies and wants to try it.
Highest standings
- He got up to renowned in Swordfighting.
- He got up to master in Sailing.
- He has received the incredible trophy in Treasure Haul and Carpentry.
- He got up to respected in Treasure Haul.
- He has received master in battle navigation.
- He got up to master in Gunnery.
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