User talk:Trixel

From YPPedia

By removing the formatting that I added your article is more likely to be deleted as it doesn't match the standards of YPPedia. Also asking people not to edit it is pointless, as you don't own the article and anyone is allowed to edit it, as long as they follow the rules. -- Vorky 21:26, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

I realise that asking people not to edit is pointless- but wouldnt you be quite upset if someone accsedently deleted all your hard work?! Anyways- I deleted your edit (besides summery) because the layout was to much: ================= and I only needed bolds. Please respect that. --Fae 21:30, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Well several other editors have already disagreed with your formatting, hence they are saying it needs a major clean-up, for a page that large you need a Table of Contents, which is what automatically gets generated if you use proper heading sections like I added. Standard users can't permanently delete your hard work anyway, only an administrator can.

Oh, thank goodness, sorry again. --Fae 21:35, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

And even then it is not completely permanent, as demonstrated here. -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 21:37, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Ok, I understand now, how DO you clean it up? I'm reading some wiki articles on it. --Fae 21:39, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Well Faulkston, who is the boss when it comes to YPPedia, has already done some of the work, so see what he did. Probably more links to other articles are needed. Possibly breaking it into more subsections if it gets larger. Links to existing images might improve it as well -- Vorky 21:43, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

I broke it into more subsections myself, The title ends up being 1 and the topics 1.# and the subtopics 1.#.# Is that OK? Adding links to other articles- well, I'll search for some, though Im having no luck, mabey I'll add a link section? Or is that a bit to much?--Fae 21:47, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

That's a good start. However, the entire thing should be rewritten in a more neutral, third-person context. That means all use of "you" and "I" (and their plural counterparts) should be replaced with "him," "her," "they," etc., as appropriate.
Also, talking about all the items of clothing is good and all, but including images would greatly improve it. Again, look at the style guide for more info on that. Good luck! -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 21:50, 24 March 2007 (PDT)
Yes, I think that looks better. Words you can link the first occurrence of include "rags", "ocean", "dust", for the clothing you can link as per the clothing page e.g. "bandana" to -- Vorky 21:54, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

I don't know if this showed up the first time so Im reapting it: I used "you" the way a cookbook would, which is considerably 2nd person, and I despretly with all my might NOT using I- exsept for a thought thing I did. I'm making some images to upload now. --Fae 21:56, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Firstly, therein lies the problem. This is NOT a cookbook, this is an encyclopedia.
Secondly, there is absolutely no need to upload new images. All the ones you could possibly want are already up here in some form or other. -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 22:02, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Ok, Ok... I get it. My trouble is finding a way to change the "I"s and "you"s to ermm.. Not "I"s and "you"s. I can figure that out. I'm also tring to add an image, but so far it only wants to show a link to the image.. I'll work on that bit.--Fae 22:05, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

I understand it can be difficult, but you seem smart, so I'm confident you'll be able to figure it out :) -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 22:11, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Thanks, I figured out how to insurt an image, and am now figuring out the placing- and the I and you thing.. still working on that. --Fae 22:13, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Whew.. I replaced all of the "I"s and "you"s and stuff cleverly (I think) and am now looking for a place to add an image or two. I'm also working on adding links. I looked at the top and it said oppinion- is that a bad thing? I didn't use any "I"s like the picture stated... --Fae 22:49, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Aye, ye seem to have done a great job with that :) The opinion thing is just saying that the article is from the point of view of one person; a broke greenie might disagree with some of the things you say. Captaincy is marked with the same tag. -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 22:55, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Well, it took a while, and Im happy I did it- though I would like to get rid of the clean up thing.. ah well. Still looking for a place to put a picture. Any sugestions? --Fae 22:57, 24 March 2007 (PDT)

Preview button

Oh, one more thing. It is generally considered good practice to use the "Show preview" button between multiple minor edits instead of the "Save page" button - this prevents spamming of both the history and Recent changes pages with lots of minor edits to the same article by the same person. -- Thefirstdude (t/c) 21:52, 24 March 2007 (PDT)