User talk:Daydreamer 3

From YPPedia

Edit Frequency

Ahoy! I was going through the recent changes, and I ran across the edits to The Jazzie Crew. If you'd like to see the page history, take a look here, and I think you can see why it's sticking out at me :-/. I don't want to discourage you from editing, because it's good to see you putting so much effort into improving this page... but it's always good wiki practice to get into using the Preview button instead of just posting stuff directly, because that way you know if you like what you're about to post before you actually do, so you can catch things like spelling/grammar, line breaks, formatting, and so on without having to waste time and effort making tons of minor edits. In any event, welcome to the YPPedia, and good luck in future! -- Cedarwings (t/c) 09:45, 17 September 2007 (PDT)

Copyrighting material

Ahoy! I'm afraid that the attempt you made to copyright the article about The Jazzie Crew, in this edit is not valid. When you edit, at the bottom of each page, there is a disclaimer:

Please note that all contributions to YPPedia are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Licence (see Project:Copyrights for details). If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, then don't submit it here.

The Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Licence, which again can be found at the bottom of every page, link here, states that all material contributed here may be freely copied, modified and transmitted, provided that the attribution of your edit is made (as per the History page). By the very nature of uploading material on to the YPPedia, you may not copyright it.

This does not grant you the right to have the page removed because you have issues with the crew involved. If you have issues with the crew involved, please discuss the matter with them. The page on the crew will stay. If you have any issues, feel free to contact me back. With your level of proficiency as an editor, I am sure you do not need me to instruct you on how to do this. --Piplicus 10:15, 11 November 2007 (PST)