
From YPPedia

Agon is a term from ancient Greek drama, referring to the central conflict in a play, especially if that conflict is a rivalry or direct competition. (Man v. Man as opposed to Man v. Nature, Man v. Self, or Man v. Society.)

In YPP, Agon is a charming gentleman generally seen hanging out on the docks of Jorvik or Alpha, when he's not hunting down donors. He is also known to job off the board and gleefully destroy random passersby at treasure drop. He is less skilled at Hearts and Spades, but still gladly partakes whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Agon is a Senior Officer in Death's Gate, where he has been charged with organizing the Brontes Memorial Gunning Bakeoff. Agon is perhaps unique in that he is a fully player-controlled character, who has no additional powers whatsoever; not even a blackspot. He is not an OceanMaster alt, he does not have a white name, and he is entirely dependent on mortal methods (begging and earning) to raise funds.

The player behind the alt

Agon's at least pretending to keep her identity a secret, but a few clues have been leaked:

  • His main account is not necessarily on Midnight.
  • Her main Midnight account is homed on Jorvik.
  • It's "not that hard to figure out" to those who do bakeoffs regularly.
  • No hints he gives about his real character can be trusted. ^_^