Ugly Duckling's

From YPPedia
Ugly Duckling's at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Merrymette
Senior Officer(s) Battleroyal, Capcocacola, Lilcherry, Mafiaman, Muzee, Whitelady
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Morrowind
Founded 30 May, 2006
Disbanded as of 11 September, 2007

Ugly Duckling's was a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Morrowind.


Ugly Duckling's was founded on 30 May, 2006.

By September of 2007 the crew had disbanded.

Public Statement

This is the Ugly Duckling's. Maybe we will one day become beatiful swans. :-p

Crew Articles

All are welcome to join the crew, but as always, there is a few rules to follow.

  1. No swearing
  2. No spamming
  3. Don't bother the officer in charge about gunning or navigating. If he/she need's you to that. You will be told or ordered to do so :-)
  4. Don't leave during battle.
  5. Always be nice to greenies. And have patience when they ask about something. Remember that you also have been a greenie sometime ;-)
  6. Don't beg ... Beggers will be planked without any warning.
  7. No trades and SF are allowed on the ship.

If you have any problem with these rules, please talk to an officer. ( They will not listen, but you can only but try)

Promotion Requirements

  • Pirate: Just ask. I trust that you won't start gunning unless you are told to.
  • Officer: You need at least 3 solids or more. And you should be well known with the captain or any other senior officer.
  • Senior Officer: You have to have great stats and preferably have your own ship. You also have to be well known by the captain and rest of the crew.
  • Captain: That will never happen. :-P

Crew Colors

White and Yellow.