Turfi is someone who has been playing for alot of years. He started to play on the Cobalt Ocean but after he realised subscribing was not for him, he went to the Viridian Ocean and joined the crew ivrognes de la mort,
After a while he left with his best mates Noobkip and Gym to make their own crew, the Imperial Hunters.
The Imperial Hunters reigned, their time was glorious. But everything is just temporarily, as was their fame and glory. After they had played together for long enough, had fun, had drama, had laughter and had become close friends. The Imperial Hunters left the ocean to continue their lives and to use the knowledge they gained together. Currently he is the only one of The Imperial Hunters to have made a comeback on the oceans. Though not together, we will never forget nor will we ever want to forget our time together.
The Forgiven
Currently he resides at the forgiven where he can be found stalking Ljgmf and his other crewmates, whilst wearing his pink wig. This is the best crew.
Currently Turfi is aiming to get number one weaving on the viridian ocean. He's also heavily trying to get his sails/sf/drinking and rumble up again. He can be found roaming the parlor tables with a pink wig, ready to take your poe and standings.
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