Ljgmf is a pirate on the Meridian Ocean. She is currently captain and damsel of The Forgiven and queen of the flag Saints of Glory.
[hide]A Day in the Life
Lj spends her days running pillies, Atlantis and other Haunted Seas trips. The new Kraken is her favourite at the moment. She loves her stalls and shoppes, hanging out with all her friends.
Her pride and joy is her wonderful crew............we huggle and guggle and have loads of fun! It doesn't matter if we are on a pilly or just joshing in the crew chat......you can tell we love it here on Meridian and know how to have fun !
Finally...................I've got a Familiar !!
Lj, as everyone calls her, finally was able to save up for a familiar. Boo, a tan octopus became her shoulder friend on September 1, 2010. If you haven't met Boo yet, come and shake one of her tenticles ! ( She won't bite ! )
Well Boo was the start of her familiar journey. In January 2011, on an Atlantis trip out in the deeps of all the monsters,, my next familiar was captured!! Hauled up by one of those Antideluvian chests, MyLady, an atlantean SeaHorse became her next shoulder-warmer.
And on my birthday, my fiancee at the time, Aopox surprised me with a beautiful navy SH.
On January 23, 2010 Ljgmf was married to Bigredone. It was a large ceremony, held on the Grand Frigate "Strange Sunfish", all decorated for the event ! All of their friends were there to witness the binding.
This relationship officially ended on February 13, 2011.
Aopox, Lj's love and best friend, proposed to her on February 16, 2011 and the wedding took place on May 1, 2011, on Lj's Atlantean War Frigate ported at Napi Peak.
An Atlantis voyaged followed with friends.
2013 was a tough year in real life for Lj. She ended the romantic relationship with Aopox on December 23, 2013. They are still friends.
Shoppes and Stalls
- Owns Fleet of Nirvana on Napi Peak, a shipyard.
- Owns Ljgmf's weaving stall on Harmattan Island.
- Owns Ljgmf's shipyard on Sakejima Island.
- Owns Ljgmf's Tailor stall on Harmattan Island.
- Owns Silver Lining Shoppe on Napi Peak , a weavery.