The Stowaways

From YPPedia
The Stowaways at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Captain Meribeth (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Andyroo, Auldy, Captianvince, Crush-East, Demondangel, Dohickey, Drifterzgirl, Gellan, Jimmyz, Kenzme, Lexus, Madeliza, Snookered, Squirt-East, Whoopbag (ALL are dormant)
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation EAC
Founded 14 September, 2006
Dormant as of 2 December, 2016
Favicon.png Crew Info
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The Stowaways is a dormant crew on the Emerald Ocean, formerly the Hunter Ocean. It sails under the flag EAC.

Captaincy history

  1. Kenzme
  2. Northstar
  3. Meribeth (Present captain)

Public statement

Don't like your crewmates? Has your captain abandoned you? Have you "quit" Puzzle Pirates? Then this crew is for you! Send a tell to any Senior Officer to join!

Extended public statement

We are here to have fun and to be excellent to one another. We have accepted many mergers, lost many mates, and made many friends, but the basic principles still apply...

  1. Keep Hunnie, Nikii, and Northstar happy all the time, or be expelled.
  2. No begging, or be expelled.
  3. Ask "permission to board", or be expelled.
  4. Own a knobby, or be expelled.

Cabin Person - Ask politely, and maybe if we like you we'll let you join.

Pirate Status - Ult guns

Officer Status - Ult bnav

Fleet Officer Status - Our slaves

Senior Officer Status - My BFFs

Above subject to change if you're completely awesome and talented. We don't take ourselves too seriously :)

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