The Roman Empire

From YPPedia
The Roman Empire at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Bowlingbeard of Frog 'n' Bowl's crew
Member crew(s)
Dormant or disbanded as of 5 March, 2007

Yarrr, The King of Frog is Bowlingbeard, Princess Frogbubble, Princess Pretty, Prince Warwolf, and Lady Totsieroll

Our Poem, Never Give up

Winters Harsh and cold Summers hot and killing whether the wind will blow! We won't ever loose or give up! We won't ever stop till we take the day! We won't stop till the last ship is sunk! We are the best! We are the Strongest! WE are the Frog! Unbeatable Unforgetable Undemolishable Frog.

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