Frog 'n' Bowl's crew

From YPPedia
Frog 'n' Bowl's crew at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Ramenaniac, Bowlingbeard in the old Crew
Senior Officer(s) Frogbubble, Godon, Rinosplay, Ryman, Kimonn in the old crew, Frogbubble in the new crew
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation none
Disbanded as of 18 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Frog 'n' Bowl's crew was and is a Viridian Ocean crew which was founded on December 26th, 2005. The new crew was founded on July 28, 2008

Bowlingbeard was in search of adventure and he wanted to be a leader. So he asked his friend Eralthepants (now Earlthepants) to let him borrow 20 doubloons and a ship. Eralthepants agreed to this if he was made senior officer and first mate.

Soon the crew grew and grew. For a month had over 100 members, then it began to fall, which was the story ever since, member-wise. The crew lasted until July 2006 before disbanding.

  • Many Moons Later*

On July 28, 2008 Ramenaniac set out to revive the dead, he recreated Frog 'n' Bowl's Crew and is now trying to restore them to their former greatness.