Talk:The Anti-list
In my opinion, we should move the contents of the List and Anti-List to the Wiki and try to deprecate the forum threads. --Barrister 14:38, 12 August 2005 (PDT)
The forum posts cited in the listing for "Configuring housing to allow entering when the owner or roommates are not around" state that housing will not be a permanently and freely acessible location. At present, either the owner or a roommate must be around to either invite people into the house or to initiate the /party command. --Fiddler 12:03, 18 August 2005 (PDT)
I think that this should be edited to reflect the fact that you CAN configure your housing so that people may enter without knocking - as it's a bit confusing, because that's what I thought it meant when I first read it: that it was on the anti-list to have people come in without knocking. I'll go add a note to it, to make it more clear. Amilianna
Is there any value in organizing the various entries on the Anti-list into categories? Or will it remain as a flat list with newest items added to the end? I suppose a similar question can be asked about The List. Faulkston 11:22, 28 August 2005 (PDT)
- I'm guessing it could use categorization of some sort for both. If you've the inclination.... :) --Guppymomma 11:26, 28 August 2005 (PDT)
- It'd be something to do as a break from forum trawling to build my list of commonly discussed ideas (see my talk page). I think I need some help expanding and alphabetizing my list! ;-) Faulkston 11:31, 28 August 2005 (PDT)
- As stated on The List page, the ordering is chronological so that people can judge which features are likely to be implemented next. I'm leaving the organization of that page alone. Faulkston 11:47, 28 August 2005 (PDT)
[hide]Rejected Clothing Suggestions
Shouldn't we include the list of rejected ideas in the Clothing Suggestions Thread? I believe that those are basically anti-listed.--Zyborg22 13:03, 5 November 2005 (PST)
Duty reports
I think I remember reading that seeing the duty report when not in a puzzle was anti-listed, because of coding issues. However, someone would have to find the post for that and add it to the list. Can someone look into this? I know it is asked for frequently and would be worth adding if there is a post confirming this. --Lovelypen 23:56, 08 Nov 2005 (EST)
- It'd be a fiasco to implement but it's not Anti-listed as such since Cleaver really desired it:
- That is to say if there's a way around the coding fiasco, it'll probably get done. -- Faulkston 21:26, November 8, 2005 (PST)
Anti-List Link Formatting
Since the links on the "The List" article is formatted to show the name of whichever Ringer actually said (or alluded to the fact) that a particular item was on the list, why not do this for the anti-list as well? The only problem I see with this is that not every thread that the anti-list article links to has a Ringer response.--Zyborg22 17:15, 10 November 2005 (PST)
- There's no reason not to update this page to look like the The List. That being said, please remember that I have finite time in my life for editing wiki pages. If I update one page, but not a related one, please feel free to pick up the slack. --Barrister 17:36, 10 November 2005 (PST)
- Most of the links are reformatted. I simply asked because I wasn't sure if I should reformat some of the links and not others, or if that would adversely affect the page.--Zyborg22 18:42, 10 November 2005 (PST)
Anti-List Review
In light of the recent contreversy I think that every item on The Anti-List should be reviewed and split in to several different categories.
- Anti-listed for Game Design Reasons
- Anti-listed for Technical Reasons
- Anti-listed for another reason
As I look back on the post that got Native American Headresses Anti-listed, Nemo said "If we did implement something of this type, it would..." Which seems to be a less than entirely clear rejection of the idea to me.
- Feel free to review & reorganize it. --Guppymomma 07:50, 2 August 2006 (PDT)
Treasure haul on/off switch
Currently T-Haul buttons have been said no against here [1] and the current thread where I brought this up is here --Shawn007--Shawn007 14:18, 5 June 2008 (PDT)
- That is a definitely stronger statement than Arcturus stating they weren't happy with their current solutions and would continue to monitor the situation. I've added it. -- Faulkston 18:37, 5 June 2008 (PDT)
Regarding Turns to Disengage
This one is listed toward the bottom of the Anti-List, yet currently we do get a countdown to the ability to disengage if either ship is within three turns.. Ought this be noted on the list? -- Dopeghoti 06:52, 3 October 2008 (UTC)
- The Anti-list isn't ordered according to priority but rather alphabetically. The List is ordered according to the first time a Developer affirmed they were looking into an idea but the age of an idea doesn't relate to priority. Certainly the existing disengage message can be noted but some players were looking for something more than a notice in the chat as a countdown. -- Faulkston 01:33, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- Thanks, I'll add a small note to that section then. -- Dopeghoti 05:49, 4 October 2008 (UTC)