Seriously dissapointed by the lack of substance in this section =/. Can someone point me to instructions on how to edit the table of contents?
- The TOC is generated by the section headers, marked with = signs on both sides...=Like this=. --Thunderbird 15:56, 2 December 2005 (PST)
[hide]Using the card images
My thought would be to replace the JPEGs from Photobucket with the card images uploaded here, as that should be sufficient to explain the first two pictures. The problem lies in the third, which shows a bet and takes that into account when explaining. I've already replaced the first image with the card codes, but left it only commented out so it could be reversed easily if necessary. --Thunderbird 15:57, 18 January 2006 (PST)
- I'm sure we could get a new screenshot for the one that needs it. Thanks for doing the card images thingee! --Guppymomma 16:05, 18 January 2006 (PST)
- Marthe doesn't play anymore, but no biggee. I can try and hit up Jelly or Shizzle to play some games with me. I'll have to rewrite the analyzation, but that only takes a couple of minutes. The trick is getting a situation that is applicable. Please note, I had to save over 200 hands for the Spades-palooza thread in order to get a decent range of situations for the commentary.
Change in free day?
I don't play spades, but my mouseover now says the free day for Spades is Thursday. If someone could confirm this, that'd be fantastic & we could update the freeplay info on the appropriate pages. --Guppymomma 13:28, 5 February 2006 (PST)
- It appears to be Thursday from my checking as well. Maybe because Poker got Sunday (and Friday)? --Thunderbird 14:35, 5 February 2006 (PST)
Nil Strategy
I find several suggestions in there flat out wrong considering the format. Why were the strategies that are listed there suggested?
- They were added over time by contributors. Usually they are either commonly used strategies, or ones that have worked well for a player. It's a good idea to list some various strategies on the article, so a player who is learning the game can start off and see which works best for them. So far the quality of the strategies on the current version of the article has not been disputed. Feel free to suggest or add to the article if you think non-drastic changes or re-wording would improve it. --Sagacious (talk) 02:20, 1 June 2006 (PDT)
Actually, they were all made by one user in particular, and fairly recently. I was hoping they would comment before I edited anything. sorry about it, considering the format,anyways. I wanted to explain why the specified situation can be cornered, but with more explenation so the user reading it wouldn't break his head over the reason of it.
- Unless you tell us which strategies you object to being included, we can't help you with "should I fix them or not". --Ponytailguy 10:35, 21 June 2006 (PDT)
In the article on poker there is an etiquette section. I think it would be useful to have one here. Clearly one cannot discuss one own hand, and any tells about the game are unacceptable, but there may still be points of contention. Specifically the acceptability of discussing (in the game chat so opponents can see) the possibility of sandbagging or being close to the winning score and hence not having to bid high. Being a bridge player I am used to such things not being discussed but it seem fairly common in Puzzle Pirates and I wonder if this is recognised and deemed acceptable. Since I am unsure what is acceptable I feel unable to write this section, but would very much appreciate one being written.
Page reorganisation
This article needs a bit of reorganisation and pruning - I'm drawing inspiration from the layout of the Poker article, which is well-organised and well-written in 3rd person. I propose relocating all strategy material to a new article, perhaps entitled "Spades strategy guide" - in the same way that the poker article links to strategy guides. Potentially the gunnery and hearts articles could also benefit from copying Poker's example. What are peoples' thoughts on this? (Edit: this reorganisation would also address the concerns raised in Talk:Spades#Etiquette above.) --Therobotdude 13:13, 21 September 2013 (PDT)