Tails and Tactics

From YPPedia
Tails and Tactics at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Captain Smoothblade (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Deaplunder, Fairlane, Manicthunder (ALL are dormant)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation State of the Union
Founded 10 March, 2010
Dormant as of 14 December, 2016
Favicon.png Crew Info

Tails and Tactics is a dormant crew on the Meridian Ocean, flying the flag of State of the Union.


It was founded as Paper Wings on March 10th, 2010 by Deaplunder and Berthy on the former Viridian Ocean. It was formerly known as Rise Against (disbanded in late March 2010).

Public statement

We are fearless wings. Fly up and high to exeed any obstacle. Join us and lets rock the sky

Extended public statement

Welcome to Paper Wings! This is the place where everybody's welcome to join, don't worry if your name still green, we're happy to help you get started and answer any question you have. If you got more expirience, great! we could always use a couple extra pairs of hands.

To join us is easy. Its the pirate hat when you join in and as time flies so will your rank :) go up up and away.

So you feel you can and should be Officer? Proof it with your 4 Broads and a ship and you can be one in our crew. You think you deserve to be an FO or SO? Sorry mate not a chance, not when you just join us. its all in privacy statement on this ranks.

Feel free to ask anything and we will try our best to answer it as long its game related.

Oh almost forgot *wink*

Enjoy the game guys and lets have some fun yaa

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