List of table furniture

From YPPedia
(Redirected from Tables)

This is a list of table furniture, most of which are available from furnishers. These furniture items allow tabletop furniture to be placed on top of them.

1Three of the views can hold a tabletop item; one view cannot.
2The prop barrels on the Haunted class war brig function like normal barrels. Other special barrels, such as the explosive barrel and the smuggler barrel, do not function as tables.

Furnisher Furniture
By name: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
By origin: Animals | Atlantean | Artifacts | Cursed Isles | Haunted Seas | Kraken | Seasonal
By placement: Floor | Outdoors | Shipboard | Tables | Tabletop | Wall
By function: Puzzles | Lights | Messages | Storage
See also: Furnisher | House | Furnishing
ApothecaryFurniture color palettes
Atlantis | Cloth | Cursed Isles | Enamel | Gold box | Haunted Seas | Kraken | Mystery box | Other | Standard palette