Before becoming a true pirate, Szczurh was a poor carpenter, until he was forced to flee from drylands because of war. After 2 years of wandering around the world, Szczurh finally decided to settle down on the Viridian Ocean and lay low for a while. His beginnings were hard though. He used to work for a navy for very little wages. One day, pirates attacked a navy vessel and captured Szczurh. It soon turned out, that pirate life suits Szczurh.
Time passed. Szczurh has been hired many times, as a skilled pirate mercenary, fine swordsman or a cunning thief. One day when he broke his leg, he decided to open an ironworking stall. Although his blades were of the finest kind, nobody bought them.
Szczurh likes boasting, swill, rum, drugs, playing cards, grog, and - of course - good booty all around. His favorite boasts are: defeating 21 dragoons with a single foil and no backup, putting out the fire in black powder warehouse before it blew sky high and winning Triathlon Competition during Summer Olympic Competitions. One day he caught a goldfish and asked for Emerald Sloop. Because of the excitement caused by appearing vessel, he had a heart attack.
Szczurh is heard to live on Sakejima island on Meridan ocean. He runs a small bookstore and manufactures wooden coffins.
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