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Slukey is fleet officer and swordsman of Scruff's Raiders and member of the flag Royal Poes. He plays on Sage Ocean.


I dont like playing Piracy stats much but i like to keep my Solids and dist lol , Carousing is what i like doing but yet im still hopeless i hate Crafting puzzles but am starting to get into them a bit more


When i was a green named pirate i was hopeless i made about 100 poe a day pillageing with my mates Lukeorana and slakey but then my mate taught me poker i was jobbed for scruffs raiders and have been in scruffs raiders ever since i started i made my money after i hit the $$ in poker and spent it all on mates and me. After about a month with scruffs raiders i was an O thanks to Scruff and then quickly a F.O and atm am working for S.O. And then about a month ago somehow i became mangager of Acolme and Madness tailors???. And i started to get a lot richer