Seven African Powers

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Seven African Powers at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Oshun
Senior Officer(s) Ogun
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Barely Dressed
Founded 30 May, 2008
Last updated on 3 January, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

Seven African Powers is a crew on the Meridian Ocean (Malachite pre-ocean merge). Its captain and cartographer is Oshun. All of its crew are alts named for some of the Orishas with whom the Seven Powers are associated and often (incorrectly, as it turns out) conflated.


Vortexae created Oshun and the rest of the crew shortly after the Malachite Ocean launched. While the ocean population was still low, most pirate names were still available, and she wanted to grab a good one. She also wanted to try captaining a crew without unfairly impacting other players. So she decided to try it out with a handful of alts, naming her main, alts, and crew in homage to a family of spiritual practices for which she has great respect and more than a passing interest.

Crew Mission

The crew was founded with the idea of running greeter pillages and otherwise helping greenies find their sea legs. Though Oshun doesn't do that as often as she ought, helping new pirates remains the primary mission of the crew Seven African Powers.

Can I Join?

The crew is not accepting new members at this time.