Serpantine alliance

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Serpantine alliance at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Oriely
Senior Officer(s) Celseeus, Freedomfight, Kingnotch, Pirireiss, Portuguesee, Wheresmyship
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight/Officer's Club
Flag Affiliation Black Horizon
Disbanded as of 2 August, 2007

Serpantine alliance was a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Black Horizon.


Oriely founded Serpantine alliance after he left the crew, - Poseidon's Wrath -. He was quickly joined by 4 other pirates from his former crew and together they embarked on establishing the crew.

By August of 2007 the crew had disbanded.

Crew Motto

Don't Tread on Me

Crew Articles

  1. Listen to the person or persons of a higher rank.
  2. Try to be nice to everyone.