Scourge of the Viridian

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Scourge of the Viridian at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Maniacmike
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Monsoon Poon
Founded 17 May, 2007
Dormant or disbanded as of 12 August, 2007

Scourge of the Viridian is a crew which used to sail the Viridian Ocean.

General Information and History

The Scourge of the Viridian was created on May 17th, 2007 by Maniacmike after leaving his former crew Nefarious Warlords. He created it with the help of his mate, Jellyphant, who helped him come up with the name, and made a slight contribution to the startup cost. They prefered to be called "The Scourge" for short, instead of anything like SV or SotV.

They have now been disbanded and Maniacmike has created a new crew under the pirate: Beanzo.


Steal from the rich, Don't give to the needy. Keep for yourself, Just like you're greedy.

Public Statement

Welcome to the Scourge of the Viridian, a fun and loyal crew, seeking to fulfil their want of wealth in all ways. Scourge of the Viridian strives to be one of the best, most wealthy and most powerful crews on the whole Viridian Ocean. If you would like to join us in our quest, speak to one of the officers.

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