Scallywags of Viridian

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Scallywags of Viridian at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Booteful
Senior Officer(s) Capnray, Ghostbusters, Harrysmash, Mexicaan, Slartibartfa, Stupidjerk, Tenismatt, Thatperson
Organization Crew run by Captain
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation United Scallywags
Founded 31 December, 2007
Dormant or disbanded as of 3 March, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info

Scallywags of Viridian was founded when Captain Booteful, Senior Officer Capnray and Senior Officer Stupidjerk decided to make a crew.

Public Statement

We want to start our journey to be at the top for we are the "Scallywags of Viridian". Ahoy and welcome to the Scallywags of Viridian. We are a fun crew that loves to hang out, pilly, and challenge each other at all of the puzzles. So if this soulds like the crew for you please join. Just ask any officer. We are currently looking for crew members to join as cabin persons up to officer.


There have been a misunderstanding between the captain and an SO and the crew merged with the crew Firepumpers.