Relinquo Angelus

From YPPedia
Relinquo Angelus at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Monarch Nikogold (Left Flag w/ Crew & joined another Flag) of Infinitialis Angelus
Member crew(s) La rebellion, Phoenix Foundation
Founded 17 November, 2005
Abandoned as of 27 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Relinquo Angelus.jpg

Relinquo Angelus is a defunct flag on the Meridian Ocean.

Translation: Forsaken Angels

Founded: 17 November 2005

Flag Colors: Grey and Maroon

Monarch History: Queen Mergen, Queen Nikogold (1st Reign), Queen Matrijzen, Queen Nikogold (2nd Reign)

Legend of the flag

It began on a desert island, far, far away. There were a few angels wandering about, searching for the meaning to their existence. No one knew anything about these guardians of light, until one day a huge ship sailed by the island. Desperate to get off the barren landscape, the group quickly dashed to the ship, hoping to get the help they needed to get off the island.

Instead they met up with the most gruesome gang of pirates. Each one of the heavenly figures courageously fought these thieves, but the angels all fell one by one. Just when it seemed all hope was lost, one of them came up with an idea: to join forces to fight this brutal band of brigands and barbarians. Finally, after this idea, the group of angels succeeded in tying up all of the pirates and took over their ship. Thus began the great journey on the high seas for Relinquo Angelus (Forsaken Angels).

Beware of this group of angels - they will be haunting you. For those of you who wish to join us in our glorious quest, read on.

Joining the Flag

Any crew is welcome to join, no matter how big or how small. Just send a /tell to any Royalty within the Flag to be invited. We also encourage all member crews to create a crew page on the YPPedia and to update it on a regular basis.


We believe in strong alliances, thus PLEASE talk to a royal before you send an invite and we will give it considerable thought, however ALL alliances sent that have not been previously discussed with one of our royals is not likely to be accepted. Due to the fact, that we view this as ignorance to the proper way to handle the political world of Y!PP.

Mission statement

We are a peaceful Flag that hopes one day to govern an island. We believe in strong alliances. We love to pillage. We love to rum-run. We love to get together and have fun. Please join us and make this Flag even better. Having fun is what this game is all about ... and we can't do that without your help.

Flag officials

Monarch: Nikogold

Royalty: Shalo, Reason

External links

Pirates within the Flag are encouraged to register and take part in the discussions at our Flag Forum