Infinitialis Angelus
From YPPedia
Infinitialis Angelus at a Glance | |
Meridian Ocean | |
Captain | Nikogold |
Senior Officer(s) | Shalo |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Relinquo Angelus |
Founded | 17 September, 2005 |
Last updated on 27 February, 2012 | |
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Infintialis Angelus was founded on the year 2005, on the day of September 17th. This crew was originally called Mergen's Angels until the Captain (Mergen) left the crew on January 29, 2006. Shalo was then made captain. He renamed the crew to Infintialis Angelus. Shalo's term as a captain lasted for only a month, after which, he decided to make Nikogold captain. Nikogold, the current captain who is an exceptional battle navigator, describes herself as a Crazy Captain. They claim to be a friendly crew and are willing to let anyone join.
Crew Promotions
- Cabin Person: Just ask an officer to join.
- Pirate: Have the badge and have Gunning Narrow/Master or one bold in piracy.
- Officer: Have the badge. Bilge, Carpentry and Sailing all bold. Navigating has to be at least narrow. When ready, arrange a time with a Senior Officer and he/she will take you out for officer training.
- Fleet officer: Captain's discretion. Captain and Senior Officers must be able to trust you not steal from any ships.
- Senior officer: Captain must trust you first. You have to prove that you are a loyal, hard worker with good leadership skills.
- DO NOT leave during battle! Unless you give the Officer in Charge an acceptable reason, you WILL be given a -1. If you are a member of the crew, you face possible demotion.
- DO NOT go into the Crow's Nest. You will be planked if you are seen there while on a pillage. Trust me, its a long fall from the Crow's Nest.
- DO puzzle hard. The better you do, the more poe you will earn.
- DO listen to the Officer in Charge. Failure to do so will result in a swim with the sharks.
External Links
Infinitialis Angelus currently has a crew website