La rebellion

From YPPedia
La rebellion at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Gurlynat (dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Redrobin
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Relinquo Angelus
Dormant or disbanded as of 11 January, 2007

La rebellion was formed on 16 April after its captain, Gurlynat, had a dispute with her former captain and senior officers from La Resistance over uniform values. La rebellion wishes to eliminate elitism and give everyone a chance of becoming big in their crew.

Public Statement

Welcome To La Rebéllion!

We are gonna say it this way: we don't want to be big. Why not? We think being big means not knowing everyone perfectly. By staying small, we can let everyone have a chance at being an Officer and Leading pillages. You see, we are here to have fun, and just wanting to be at the top stops us in our goal: delete elitism.

We still expect the best from every pirate! Stay in battles and tell the Leading Officer if you have to leave.

  • By The Way*: hard word is rewarded with bonus poe... so do your best!

May the wind be in your sails and the poe in you pocket!


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