
From YPPedia

Rangerrick is senior officer and first mate of Titans and a member of Dies Irae. He is an admiral in the Spring Island Navy in the Emerald Archipelago and sails the Midnight Ocean.

History of Rangerrick

The history surrounding Rangerrick is shrouded in mystery. What is known through interviews and investigation is as follows. Sometime many years ago he appeared on the Midnight Ocean. The earliest record comes from an ancient crew manifest showing him as a senior officer in an abandoned crew called the Redlight district. We know it to be short lived for no other entries in crew records could be located. The trail goes cold for quite some time with the exception of a brief surfacing in a couple of smaller crews. Those interviewed didn't know much other than he was a dangerous navver. With that bit of information we looked to find some that may have encountered him in battle. Months passed and we kept getting a whisper from old pirates of a sloop that could decimate even the largest of ships. In a small pub on Turtle Island we found an ancient pirate. With eyes that drifted off to another time, he spoke but one thing. The name Airborne Ranger. A search of ship records found one ship by that name, registered to Rangerrick. We had finally got the break we needed. The ship had never been reported to be sunk, so it had to still be out there. Asking around the local Archipelago in all sorts of shops and stalls the ship name brought looks of fear. None could say they had seen or engaged it in battle. As we were preparing to leave fearing a dead end, a grizzled pirate worn with age approached and said but one word. Cleo. Our journey to Cleopatra's Pearls was a treacherous one to say the least, the brigands were fierce and pirates lurked around every corner. We arrived early in the summer to a splendid but small island and set immediately to asking the locals of the pirate or his ship. Some recounted more of a legend than man. Telling of 9 war frigs being destroyed by a war brig with death himself at the helm. Of a time when the waters of Cleo and the surrounding islands were not safe for brigand or pirate alike. Fear of mythical proportions. The name is known as was seen as recently as a week or two. We were close. A kind informant told us to look around Epsilon Island or surrounding islands. As change would have it, we mischarted and ended up on Spring Island just as the last snows were melting away. At a small pub in the back room we found the pirate, the legend, Rangerrick. He had just finished up the latest in a long line of staged fights, having destroyed his opponent. Upon hearing his name, his fierce eyes flashed instantly sizing us up. A cold shudder ran down my spine and felt that any breath could be my last. The monkey on his shoulder looked as fierce as he himself. I offered my hand in introduction at which he just glanced. After buying ten or so tankards of rum, he began to speak. Aye, tis true there once wasn't a man that could best me on the sea, but that is all in the past. I learned that day that Rangerrick had been the most dangerous navver in the ocean. After changes to the doctrine of war were made he chose instead of following those changes, he would hang up his captain's hat, and spend the rest of his days rumbling. He remains a legend, but to those that are close to him he remains a loyal friend, and Titan crewmate.