Racheya is a pirate on the Sage Ocean. She is fleet officer of the crew Jack Aces and a member of the United Pillagers Across Sage.
Racheya is interested in bilging, portraits, rumbling, pillaging, blockades, skellies and poker.
[hide]Ships Owned
- Sloops
- Ambitious Whitebait
A Short History
Racheya joined Puzzle Pirates some time in June 2006. She was taken into the crew For the Poes by her good friend Fatewind who was a senior officer of that crew. She quickly rose to the rank of pirate then after being a loyal member for some time was given the rank of officer. She left to create the crew The Revolutionists and the flag Winds of Change. Racheya left the flag Winds of change and became princess in the flag Black moon. She then left The Revolutionists as after a few months the crew became a little too much for her to handle. She joined the crew Jack Aces where she as remained a fleet officer for some time. After taking a few months away from Puzzle Pirates she decided to go back to her first crew For the Poes. She now remains there as an officer.
For the Poes
Racheya joined Puzzle Pirates because her good friend Fatewind persuaded her to join. Fatewind accepted her into the crew and she received the title of Counsellor which she kept while a member of For the Poes. She didnt stay as a cabin person for long as she quickly became a pirate.
She stayed as a pirate for a while until she asked the captain Whiskeysweet for a promotion. She bought an officer badge and her first ship, a sloop. She received officer training from Fatewind and undertook her first ever pillage that very same day.
After many weeks of pillaging with For the Poes on her sloop, the Ambitious Whitebait, she quickly came to realise her dream of becoming a captain herself. She left For the Poes on Saturday 16th August 2006 at around 12 o'clock at night and created her own crew.
The Revolutionists
After a few weeks The Revolutionists became a larger and bigger crew. Racheya continued to recruit new people into the crew, mainly greenies whom she could turn into good crew members. She recruited a few officers and began running regular pillages. However Racheya quickly realised that her pillages weren't very good and that she wasn't ready for captaincy. So after 2 months she left the crew to her friend Dreams and joined Jack aces. The crew is now defunct.
Jack Aces
After a few weeks in Jack Aces Racheya decided to stay in her new crew permenantly. She was given the rank of fleet officer and spent many months there. After taking a few months break from Puzzle Pirates, she felt that she needed a new start on the game so left Jack Aces and moved back to For the Poes where she now remains as an officer.