Pure Darkness

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Pure Darkness at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Loonie
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation Black Knight's Of Sage
Founded 11 November, 2006
Dormant as of 28 June, 2007

Pure Darkness was a crew that sailed the Sage Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Black Knight's Of Sage.


Pure Darkness was founded 11 November, 2006.

On the 17th of November, Pure Darkness joined its first flag, Blizzard, led by King Sharkiez. They left Blizzard later that month to join the flag Space Ghost's Privateers, led by King Semperfi.

In early December of 2006, the crew left Space Ghost's Privateers, with no love lost, to join the flag Monarchy.

By mid December, the crew had moved yet again to the flag, Black Knight's of Sage. The terms for joining were that the captain of the crew, Pirateash, would become governor and manager of the fort/palace if an island was successfully blockaded by the flag. The deal was agreed between Pirateash and Captainking, monarch of the flag.

By June of 2007 Pirateash had left the crew, Loonie had become captain, the crew had become flagless and had lapsed into dormancy.

Public Statement

The Crew Pure Darkness Is All about team work, so if ye are not a good team player, this is not the crew for ye.

Teamwork is vital when it comes to Swordfights and Rumble against other ships. Remember guys, teaming is not that hard, all you do is click on the head of the person that you want to team against. Always choose to fight against a pirate that has other people against them, for that is the easiest way to win!

To join the crew just ask any officer, but to move up in ranking, ye will have to consult either a senior officer or the captain, and ye have to prove yerself as a reliable, honest and hard working crew member.

Mission Statement

For some time, our captain and senior officers have been wanting to get our hands on an island but paying for a war chest has been a slight issue for us. We have decided to start small, and are planning on blockading either Halley Island or Cromwell Island in the very near future.

Ever since Pure Darkness was founded, we have spoken of blockading Halley Island one day. But since then we have moved our forces away from that archipelago, and into the Gull Archipelago and we think it may be better to go for Cromwell Island. We have chosen this island because it is an outpost, hence it is cheaper to blockade, and because we would like to own an event blockade island and run our own event blockades on it.

Further information about the blockade will be posted as soon as we have come to more of a decision.

Promotion Requirements

  • Cabin person: Only Greenies wil become cabin people, and once they have grown out of their 'greeniness' they will become pirates.
  • Pirate: Any new member of the crew will go straight here. They will stay here until their stats have risen or they have proven trustworthy.
  • Officer: Have 3 broads and own an officers badge.
  • Fleet OfficerHave 4 Broads, an officer badge and be trusted by the captain. Owning a ship helps too.
  • Senior Officer: Be a skilled pirate and have the trust of the Captain. Must own atleast one ship.