Posiedon's Executioners

From YPPedia
Posiedon's Executioners at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Mattymatt
Senior Officer(s) Mergiote
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 16 March, 2007
Last updated on 9 September, 2012
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Crews-Posiedon's Executioners.jpg

Posiedon's Executioners is a crew sailing the Emerald Ocean, originally founded on the Sage Ocean, it flies the flag of Margaritaville.

Public Statement

Welcome to Posiedon's Exectutioners


Cabin Person: Anyone can join, just ask any Officer and we'll be glad to have you!

Pirate: Distinguished standing in 2 of the 4 basic piracy skills (bilge, sail, carp, gunning)

Officer: Good stats,mature(you can be silly and mature at the same time:P) and having been recommended by other officers.

Further promotions are mentioned in the private statement =)

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