
From YPPedia

Mattymatt is a fleet officer for Fault in Design and member of the flag Rabidus Canis. He is pretty wealthy and is infamous for his tournaments and his fleet of ships.

Historical Note

Mattymatt usually holds tournaments with wealthy prizes from medals to vast amounts of doubloons.


Currently Mattymatt owns seven ships which are as follows:

Sloop - Plain Pollack
Cutter - Narrow-Minded Whitebait
Dhow - Crabby Pike
Longship - Free Marlin
Merchant Brig - Elegant Needlefish
War Frigate - Saucy Mullet
Grand Frigate - Brilliant Shad

Mattymatt's Houses

Mattymatt currently owns a villa on Kirin Island. Mattymatt doesn't usually like people knocking on his door but will allow people to visit occasionally. Rumor has it he has a vast collection of trinkets and painting in his gallery. His only roommate is his longtime friend and ex-captain Xhellslayer. Mattymatt used to be in Hell' Army and a Lord in his flag but has since changed crews due to inactivity. It should be noted that Mattymatt paid for the villa in full but has allowed Xhellslayer to stay as a result of Mattymatt getting lonely in big houses. Sometime in June is when Mattymatt is expected to own an estate all to himself.

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