Parfait is a fruity logic puzzle game on Game Gardens, for 1-4 players. Most players prefer playing alone.
[hide]Logging In
Go to Game Gardens and click the link to Parfait, or you can go directly to the Parfait info page. Click play, then log in using any YPP username and password.
If you get a time-out error, then the Game Gardens server is down or you just lost your internet connection. You may need to download the latest JVM for Parfait to work.
Setting Table Parameters
There are seven parameters that can be set in the lobby. The first is the difficulty, which has settings ranging from Learning all the way to Suicidal. The first time you play, it is best to use Learning or Easy. Please note that Suicidal games do not always have a unique solution, so that the player is forced to guess once or twice.
The next parameter is Language for clues. At the moment there are five choices: Standard English, Pirate English, Code, Norsk, and Espanol. Standard English clues are easier to understand clearly, but the Pirate English clues are more fun. Code is provided for the benefit of players who prefer the fewest words possible in their clues. Future versions of Parfait will likely feature other languages. If you wish your own native language to be included as an option, please contact Lordkalvan.
Penalty for each mistake is the number of points lost when a player booches. This is useful in a multiplayer table, to discourage guessing.
Setting Booches are permanent means that if any player makes an incorrect placement, that tile is replaced by a broken image and nobody can place a fruit there.
Setting No duplicate initials causes the game to select three fruits that all have different first letters. This is useful if you tend to get carambola and coconut confused.
Setting Deny chat to watchers removes the chat window from watchers, so that they can neither talk nor see chat between players. This is useful if you want to play without distractions, or want to have a private conversation with your opponent.
Seats determines the number of players at a table, and ranges from one to four. If you set the number of seats to just one, then play will start as soon as you click the Create table button. If you set the number of seats to more than one, then the table stays in the lobby until enough people join it.
Once you are satisfied that you have the parameters set correctly, click the Create table button.
Board Layout
In the center of the gameboard is a 6x6 grid. Your goal is to fill the grid using the three fruits displayed near the bottom of the gameboard. Exactly two of each of these types of fruits will appear in each row and in each column. Each game chooses three fruits at random from the ten possible fruits.
On the left, there are three white boxes. The top box contains the clues that you will use to determine where to place fruits. The bottom box will show feedback messages from the server. All three boxes are editable, so you may delete clues as they are satisfied, copy and paste them to rearrange them, and take notes. If you delete a clue and then later think you need it back again, simply click the Reset clues button on the bottom left.
On the right you will see the scores of all players, and a chat window.
Playing the Game
Near the bottom of the middle section of the gameboard, an arrow points to the fruit that is selected. You can click a different fruit at the bottom to change the selection. After the fruit is selected, simply click the location for placement (which must not have a fruit on it yet).
To type instead of mouse: Type the fruit and the location into the textfield, such as "A1 banana" or "I think that there is a rambutan in c3". As long as the fruit and location are spelled correctly, it doesn't matter what else you type. Press your keyboard's Enter or Return key to submit.
There is no taking of turns, so one player might place three fruits very quickly, locking all other players out of getting points for those same placements.
Note: The set of clues generated will specify a unique solution, but there will be times when you may need to either guess or resort to writing possible grids on paper to determine that solution.
Using Initials
Initials are an easy way to take notes about what fruits are possible (or not) in each location. Click the Set initials button to get initials of each of the three fruits to appear on each available tile. Each initial is color-coded to the fruit, so you can tell which P is for passion fruit and which for papaya, etc. If you do not like the initials, click the Clear initials button to get rid of them.
You can still select the active fruit by clicking on one of the three fruits at the bottom of the board, then clicking an available location. We now have extra options, using the initials:
- right-click, control-click: turn the closest initial to a red X to indicate "not in this location", or the closest X back to a normal initial
- middle-click, alt-click: change the selected fruit to the closest initial, and then place it in that location
Sample Clues
Arrrr! The rambutans in column 2 be completely surrounded by coconuts!
This means that in column 2 (vertical) the two rambutans will be found somewhere between the two coconuts. You could make a note that A2 and F2 can't hold rambutans.
Blimey! The mangos in column 1 be back to back again' all attackers!
This means that in column 1 the two mangos are adjacent, with no other fruits between them.
Billions of Blistering Blue Barnacles! Row F is the same fore to aft as aft to fore!
This means that row F (horizontal) is a palindrome. This is an extremely useful hint, because as soon as you fill in one fruit in the row you know where the other of the same type is.
Avast! Ye won't be finding any mango in column 6 that isn't cuddled up right above a rambutan.
This means that in column 6 each mango is directly above a rambutan, with no other fruit in between. You could make a note that A6 is not rambutan, and F6 is not mango.
Watching the Game
To watch a game that has already started, just click on that table. Once inside, click Reset clues so that you can see the clues. After the next fruit is placed on the board you will see the three fruits at the bottom, but you will not be able to place any of them on the board. You can use the chat window to talk to the players if you can see a chat window.
- Game Gardens
- Official Game Gardens website
- Parfait info page
- Game Design forum discussion of Parfait
- Sample puzzles, with solutions from Dare to be Fruity event