Outlawman is currently a Sage Ocean Pirate, but also plays on other oceans.
Current Ranks
Prince of the flag The End.
Senior Officer of the crew The Bootleggers.
The Greenie pirate, Outlawman, washed up on the shores of Caravanserai on the Oct.21 of 2006. He lived in his little shack for a few weeks and looked around at the vast ocean of Sage. Once joining his 1st crew, The Murdering Muppets, he decided to move to the Island of Greenwich where he stayed for several months. He found himself jumping from crew to crew for a little while, until he met up with a pirate by the name of Gama. After being introduced to a fine Captain, Sxygrl of the crew Game Over, he was asked to join her crew. He thought about it, but was wanting to start his own at the time. With alot of hard work and pillying, he created his own crew on Feb. 15, 2007, and named it "The Bootleggers". Oddly enough the same day his new friend, Sxygrl, started her Flag The End. Shortly after founding the crew he came across two fine pirates named Ifiwasfilip, and Naploen, which would soon become his Senior Officers and good mates for a long time to come.
Now the lads wanted to move where the action was, so they all set sail to Wensleydale, where he bought his townhouse. He then soon joined up with Sxygrl's Flag, "The End", and became a Prince. As time went on he met up with somemore fine pirates that would also become great mates, Mysticpizza, Brownsugar, Flail, and Foreseeker.
Around the time of the Flag and Crew's 1/2 birthday, Sxygrl took a vacation from the game, and Outlawman became King. His fellow Flag Captain, Mysticpizza and himself then planned a number of events for the celibration. Upon Sxygrl's returned he then stepped down and went back to being a prince and focus on his stalls.
Outlawman has always loved blockading and on Jan. 12, 2008, he got one of his game long wishes. As he was Carping away when the ship sunk and when we got to shore he noticed that his hand had been replaced with a new shinny hook!
As he continues to upgrade his stats, he also continues to help out his mates any chance he gets.
Quote: " A pirate's life is only rich if filled with Great Mates, a Great Crew and Flag, and lots of PoE."
Top Hearties
Brownsugar, Flail, Foreseeker, Mysticpizza, Naploen, Sxygrl, Pindriff
Hook |
Former Ranks
Former King of the flag The End.