Onelovefun is a senior officer and gunner of the crew Truth and Justice and princess of the flag Trust. She sails the Cobalt Ocean.
Gif The Girl Dog | |
Hubba bbubba | |
Fatback |
Brigand Kings
- Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Onelovefun on april 6, 2007
- Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Onelovefun on July 18, 2007
- Ransomed by Vargas the Mad to Onelovefun on September 21, 2007
- Ransomed by Azarbad the Great to Onelovefun on September 26, 2007
- War brig Twisted Witch
- Senior officer of the crew Truth and Justice
- Queen of the flag Trust
- On air personality for Radio Free Cobalt
- Battle navigator for Best Bad Idea Ever
Longest Pillage Ever
Gif The Girl Pirate was the organizer of Best Bad Idea Ever - 1 week and 1 hour long non-stop pillage - Longest Pillage Ever in all oceans.
On Friday, June 1, 2007, at 11:00am (Pirate Standard Time) Truth and Justice of the Cobalt Ocean Trust flag set off on a pillage to break the existing record for longest pillage ever. The pillage start was delayed by an unscheduled system reboot. At noon, however, the Alone Bream was loaded with flag mates and jobbers alike and set sail intending to break the only referenced record for longest pillage. The 3 day record (recorded in YPP forums) did not match the record of 100 hours suggested by the OMs who were petitioned for the official number. Going by the 100 hour mark, the crew pillaged night and day, breaking only to restock, and ended up sailing and pillaging for a full week and one hour ending the pillage after 169 hours at sea. Many Ocean Masters joined the pillage after it passed the 100 hour mark and a party was hosted in the Palace on Prolix Purlieu by Trust with Hypnos in attendance. Hypnos made the ocean broadcast to announce the record being set and created several tournaments in honour of the achievement.
Radio Free Cobalt
Radio Free Cobalt is a voice in the Cobalt Ocean. Founded as promised, after the Trust flag successfully blockaded Prolix Purlieu, Radio Free Cobalt is dedicated to filling the pirate airwaves with a blend of all kinds of audio entertainment. The station is 100% free and has fun at the center of its charter. Radio Free Cobalt is brought to you by Trust.
Radio Free Cobalt is a streaming Shoutcast server with 24 hour content including music playlists, sound clips pertinent to Puzzle Pirates, and live DJ broadcasts and event coverage. Requests and dedications are a major part of the live shows.