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Nathen is a pirate on the Sage Ocean who currently holds the rank of senior officer in the Outlaw's and is a member of the flag Rebellion.

Nathen began his pirate career on June 16, 2007. He met Xenexeo aboard her sloop and joined his first crew Running With Scissors. He quickly worked his way up to officer rank when he bought his first sloop and continued to be active in the crew for several months. Today he has worked his way up from this humble beginning and is now running his own pillages, Cursed Isles trip and his own Atlantis attacks.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Losing over 500k in one day of poker
  • Owning a fleet made up of a sloop, cutter, war brig, war frigate, and grand frigate
  • Achieving ultimate standing in poker
  • Running successful Cursed Isles trips
  • Obtaining a serpent familiar on one of his Cursed Isles Trips he ran
  • Establishing and owning the distillery shoppe Rumdog Millionaire on Admiral Island
  • Discovering a mysterious, unknown 15th color spell scrap, the color has been nicknamed "Burnt." While the color appears to be black, it does not fall into the correct space when all 15 colors are held at one time.