
From YPPedia

Mikom is a senior officer and lieutenant of the crew we rock and sails the Emerald Ocean, formerly the Hunter Ocean.

Mikom's story

Mikom joined in may-June looking for a fun chat site to meet new friends and got washed up on the shores of Quetzal Island where she requested for help and met a helpful greeter called Attractive who showed her the puzzle pirate ropes later Mikom joined her first crew Everlasting dreams where she met another pirate in that crew, Velvettears who became a good friend of Mikom's and though her met another friend Nacnud. Mikom then decided it would be good to move out of her shack and get a cottage Mikom when fixing her cottage with new furniture met 2 pirates thinking of buying a cottage called Roseprincess and Lonleygirlyy Mikom showing them her house made them two room-mates. Lonleygirlyy told Roseprincess and Mikom about a hacker who stole her past account so Mikom and Roseprincess were avoiding her. She got annoyed about this and left Mikom rude messages,Mikom ignored them and reported her later she spoke to the hacker and she explained that she was not a hacker and they had similar names Mikom had a fight with Lonleygirlyy and didn't see her much after that. Mikom and Roseprincess later met Silentbeauty who became a good friend as well. Then Mikom quit everlasting dreams and joined deadly night Velvettears crew where she was a fleet officer. Mikom then bought a row house with the room-mates Roseprincess Velvettears and Nacnud and later bought a town house round about the same time she moved houses in real life, with the room-mates Roseprincess Silentbeauty Velvettears. Mikom then met a pirate called Halosham and though him met a good friend,Sipster Mikom halo and Sippy all playing d or dd as a past time on puzzle pirates and having a good time.Later Mikom's friend from real joined puzzle pirate's, Maroonisnice who made friends with sipster. Mikom also met though Sipster a pirate called Deathflower, Who got hacked and changed her name to Suziesue and Mikom then bought a manor with the room-mates Sipster Deathflower Roseprincess and Pinkypi. Mikom logged on to see rude messages all over the house aimed at sipster later when Sipster logged on Mikom told her about what happened and they tried to find out who it was talking to Halosham and Valkorian about it with no luck and them still posting nasty messages this time also aimed at Mikom in one area of the house Suziesue and Pinkypi admitted it was them. Sipster and Mikom refused to forgive them until a bit later when Mikom forgave Pinkypi and eventually Sipster and Mikom forgave Suziesue and added her as a room-mate telling her not to do it again. Suziesue later quit after a big misunderstanding when she was talking to Mikom, Mikom replied be right back, Suziesue didn't get the message and thinking Mikom ignored her she quit. Mikom will never forget what happened and still wants to talk to suzie. When Suzie left some messages came back even though Suzie was no longer a member of the house Mikom trusted all her friends with pinkypi also gone Sipster and Mikom began to get worried Mikom then quit for a while to play World of Warcraft where she met 2 good friends that she is not going to name (since this is a puzzle pirate thread) a few months later in early 2009 she came back only to find that Sipsters along with some other friends had quit. Mikom really misses Sipster and made a room dedicated to her in the manor. Halosham also later quit and everyone of her friends mentioned in this thread have quit except for Valkorian and her real life friend who is now under the name Maroonrocks. Mikom will never be the same again... The messages are not coming now except for one a few months ago that just told Mikom to take away a message from Valkorian. Mikom is only going to stay on puzzle pirate if her friend in real life does.

2016 UPDATE: MIKOM HAS RETURNED. REJOICE. UPDATE OF UPDATE: Sipsters has returned (only way to get in touch!)


Mikom has been awarded the following trophies:

Her future

this section is ongoing.