Mercenary Legion

From YPPedia
Mercenary Legion at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Casisme
Senior Officer(s) Zerroxx
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Black Star
Founded 15 August, 2007
disbanded as of 20 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

Mercenary Legion was a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew used to fly the flag of Black Star.


Mercenary Legion was founded on 15 August, 2007. Previously flew the flag Sea Wrath.

Public Statement

Welcome to the Mercenary Legion, made for the best to kill the best, made by the best (me xD). if u need fighting tips, contact any of our seniors, they are the best swordfighters in the whole sea.

Mercenary's where the first pirates ever. They came from all around the world, like the German duck gooses, Black riders, the Finish hackapelles and the real pirates, the Barbary corsairs.

HHAAAA!!!!!!! Mavolia will rise from their ashes and conquer the world!! (ugh ugh) just ask to join =P

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