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Mands is part of the crew The Akatsuki, currently captained by Runescapien, on the Malachite Ocean.


Mands took up puzzling piracy in mid 2008, she then got her family to join, Zaakary (her brother), Xloveallix (her youngest sister) and finally Morgg (her younger sister, yet older than Xloveallix). A couple minutes later, she met Deathbeardt. He got Mands to join The Akatsuki. Later she asked the current fleet officer Deathbeardt, if she could have her family in the crew, Deathbeardt said yes, about a week later Xloveallix and Deathbeardt got married. A couple weeks after that Deathbeardt made his own crew, soon after, Xloveallix and Deathbeardt got divorced.

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • helped at 2 weddings
  • helped open up a tailor stall
  • opened a weaving stall