Malorie (Sage)
Malorie is a pirate on the Sage Ocean who lives in a cottage with two good friends. Malorie is a fleet officer in the crew Spirit Wolves.
[hide]Guardians of Honour
Malorie started out as a greenie on Descartes Isle. After joining a pillage with Guardians of Honour, she joined crew with an invitation from Dragonhelper and had fun for a while. Eventually she felt ignored by the older crew-members. Malorie occasionaly helps out on the pillages but as a force of habit complains about them while 'working'.
Femme Fatales
She joined a pillage with Rapia from Femme Fatales and joined them instead. Her Captain, Rapia, became dormant for a long time. Malorie will occasionally /who Rapia to be hearties
Spirit Wolves
While playing spades or hearts (she isn't sure which), she met a pirate called Churail, of Spirit Wolves and they struck up a friendship and chatted in tells.
A while after, she invited her to become a member of Spirit Wolves, an offer she took up immediately, and was a pirate for a time until the day she asked a senior officer "How do ye get swabbies to team?". She was replied to with the answer and also the question "How are ye in that position of ordering Swabbies?". The asker was answered and Malorie was made officer (which was unexpected.)
Also after a trade run with Usaseawolf, Koonoruk, Crunchberry and possibly other pirates, Usaseawolf presented her with Victoria (a cat), whom she is constantly followed by. Malorie loves Vicky lots and lots.
Malorie (through a clerical error) was made a senior officer but has not yet mentioned it.
- Is one of the most annoying pirates in Spirit Wolves
- Is currently senior officer in Spirit Wolves
- Cannot successfully run a pillage
- Achieved double grand-master in Foraging
- Achieved sublime in Sailing (and lost it soon after)
- Met really, really good friends
Ships and shops
A couple of weeks later, she was given a ship (the Popular Needlefish, her polar opposite) by the crew's captain, and promptly started crying at home. After she sailed the ship to Descartes, she led a few small pillages there until she sold her shack and was offered a room in a mansion on Admiral which she promptly took.
She then had to deal with moving her ship to Admiral which she found problematic, until the crews captain swabbied to Admiral for her. During a Christmas raffle for the Refined Tench (another polar opposite ship), Malorie purchased a ticket and won, making her the proud owner of two ships, neither of which she bought.
She soon opened an apothecary with her friend Ladeelozzi, and employed another friend Monkeysrock as manager. The shop fell into disrepair and the friends decided to let it be shut down.
Malorie can usually be found Sea Monster Hunting, foraging on a forage ship known as the Long Tench, in the cottage standing still or at the inn Sho Girls.
Hearty nicknames, title swapping and the color of clothes
Her main hearties Monkeysrock and Ladeelozzi have many nicknames for her, and being sharp-tongeud, has quite a few for them. Monk's favorite is now 'Care Bear' as a pun on her second name which is Kerr. She doesn't mind as she responds with 'Monkey the Skunky' and 'Unfunky Monkey' as a pun on HER game-name. Ladeelozzi sticks to the standard 'Mal' and 'Lorie'. Mal sticks to 'Ladee' so she can try be lazy too. One time in Spirit Wolves, she and Monk had a lot of fun, swapping crewbies title's. She changed Littledom's from Card Sharp to Flirt. Monk changed some other titles, for example Progrmmer's to Damsel but they weren't as funny. Her clothes colors are purple, which are strange, but she loves them. She also painted the Popular Needlefish part purple.
An inconvenient truth
Malorie is one of the more talkative pirates on the ocean, continously rambling in crew-chat about the strangest things. She is also quite annoying as she never seems to be quiet. She believes the crew is used to it, but no-one is actually sure (except for them, but they aren't complaining).
A small portion of pals:
Malorie has an extensive list of hearties, but will only mention some of her buds. Monkeysrock, Ladeelozzi, Progrmmer, Koonoruk, Usaseawolf, Crunchberry (The Crew Chat-Boocher), Skybird, Churail, Narkissos, Diabolito, Kaeleanator, Martinos, Kipperikalle and Billdo.
- Progrmmer and Littledom
Progrmmer (Prog) and Littledom (Dom) are two great friends of Malorie in Spirit Wolves. Progrmmer often picks on Monkeysrock, a friend of Malorie, and Malorie often helps him. While Prog is offline, Malorie temporarily assumes his role, to pick on Monk. Littledom is a very good poker player, and is a very nice pirate in the bargain. He has a nice sloop that was given to him by Monkeysrock. After Malorie had fun with the 'Make Dom The Flirt Title' game, he decided he liked it, therefore ruining Malorie's fun.
- Monkeysrock and Ladeelozzi
Because Monkeysrock and Ladeelozzi are really great friends, Malorie believes they deserve their own special section. Monkeysrock was a pirate around the same time as Malorie, and now outranks Malorie. Malorie doesn't mind, as Monkeysrock is still Monkeysrock.
Ladeelozzi is a friend of Malorie, and they met on a Sea Monster Hunt. They did almost all the same things, yet Ladeelozzi recieved more poe. Ladeelozzi offered Malorie some of her poe but Malorie refused. They chatted in tells and heartied each other.Ladeelozzi joined Spirit Wolves during an event blockade, and was promoted to Officer, after a while she was promoted to Senior Officer in the crew. Ladeelozzi recently dyed her hair blonde, but Malorie still isn't used too it. She hopes she will get used to it.
Malorie is quite happy with her bestest buds, and is quite happy to ramble mindlessly to them, even when they are idle.
Malorie loves all of her pets. There is Victoria, the white puddy-tat. Ehobycat, the little brown rat which Malorie is longer afriad of. And Bugs Bunny Junior, the bunny-wabbit, whom she is attempting to house train. Bugs is the pet she allows to roam out and about. As a Birthday present from a friend, Malorie was given a dog, which was promptly named Scamp Junior. Recently, Malorie was given a karkinos as a present and lets it roam around on the Refined Tench