Malice in Wonderland
Malice in Wonderland at a Glance | |
Cerulean Ocean | |
Captain | Lazylubber |
Senior Officer(s) | Altme, Bettany |
Politics | Autocratic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Crimson Tide |
Founded | 20 May, 2008 |
Last updated on 25 March, 2012 | |
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Malice in Wonderland is a crew that sails on the Cerulean Ocean, under the flag Crimson Tide.
Public Statement
Beware the fury of a patient man. -John Dryden
Extended Public Statement
This crew be focused on pillaging. Ye may o' course pursue other interests, but if yer not a pillager at heart, ye best find another crew.
Crew requirements: We shan't be dockpressing to swell our numbers, mates. The only way to join our dread crew be to pillage with us and prove yer worth on the seas. We also expect that ye be courteous to yer fellow pirates--makes it easier to take their pieces o' eight by force later.
If ye've paid yer subscription ransom to the Dread Ringers, yer qualified for the rank o' Pirate. Ye will be expected to toil, but ye will also be rewarded for it. If ye seek further promotion, ye will need to show proficiency in the core duty puzzles (sailing, bilging, carpentry, and gunning).
All ye scurvy dogs seeking an officer's hat must be at least Broad/Distinguished in the four core duty puzzles. To be Fleet Officer, ye must have at least Respected in two of the duty puzzles, as well as Narrow/Distinguished or better in Battle Navigation, and shown that ye are a loyal member of the crew over time. Promotion to Senior Officer be on a case-by-case basis, but crew loyalty and increased prowess in Battle Navigation be yer greatest support. O' course, the Captain has final say in all these matters and may add or waive criteria on his say so.
Crew History
Malace in Wonderland was founded on May 20, 2008, after Lazylubber left his former crew, the Cookie Pirates, to try his luck as a captain. Lazylubber and his new crewmates quickly amassed the fame necessary to rejoin Crimson Tide, where they have since remained. The crew quickly established itself as one that led successful pillages, and, with the introduction of Cursed Isles, became a focus for highly profitable voyages there.
Crew Philosophy
Lazylubber founded Malice in Wonderland with the goal of forging a crew focused on seagoing activities, namely pillaging, monster hunting in Atlantis and Cursed Isles, and flotilla attacks. He also wanted to pursue a particular strategy in building the crew. He requires prospective members to sail with him prior to being offered membership, and believes in a strict and thorough officer training program. All aspiring officers have to prove themselves capable of leading a successful pillage and puzzling adequately prior to having the rank bestowed permanently, and further development of these skills is required for promotion to fleet officer and then senior officer.
While officially an autocratic crew, in practice the crew typically functions as an oligarchy, with the opinions of senior officers solicited and debated before making major changes within the crew.