List of known Kraken lair words
From YPPedia
Kraken lair names are randomly generated, based on words from several pools, and take the following form:
- Adjective1 Noun1 of Noun2
- Example: Immense Destroyer of Neptune's Kingdom
[hide]Pool of known Adjective1 terms
- Dire
- Dread
- Colossal
- Ebon-blooded
- Enormous
- Epic
- Gargantuan
- Giant
- Gigantic
- Huge
- Hulking
- Humongous
- Immense
- Ink-belching
- Ink-spewing
- Mammoth
- Massive
- Many-armed
- Mighty
- Monstrous
- Monumental
- Razor-beaked
- Ship-crushing
- Slime-wreathed
- Slithering
- Sucker-bearing
- Tendriled
- Tentacled
- Terrible
- Titanic
- Treacherous
- Vast
- Wriggling
- Writhing
Pool of known Noun1 terms
- Abomination
- Beast
- Behemoth
- Brute
- Creature
- Destroyer
- Doom
- Fiend
- Goliath
- Horror
- Leviathan
- Menace
- Monstrosity
- Scourge
- Terror
Pool of known Noun2 terms
- the Abyss
- the Blue
- the Blue Abyss
- the Bounding Main
- the Brine
- the Briny Deep
- Davy Jones's Locker
- the Deep
- the Deep Blue
- the Deep Blue Sea
- the Deep Sea
- the Depths
- the Endless Blue
- the Endless Surf
- the Fathoms
- the High Seas
- the Merciless Fathoms
- Neptune's Kingdom
- the Open Ocean
- the Open Sea
- the Open Seaways
- the Open Waves
- the Salty Abyss
- the Salty Murk
- the Seaways
- the Seven Seas
- the Yawning Abyss