List of known Atlantis outpost words
From YPPedia
Atlantis outpost names are randomly generated, based on words from several pools, and take one of two different forms.
- Form one: Adjective Noun1
- Example: Jagged Fort
- Form two: Adjective Possessive of Noun2
- Example: Flooded Sanctuary of the Telchines
Pool of known Adjective terms
- Abandoned
- Ancient
- Crumbling
- Distant
- Faded
- Flooded
- Forbidding
- Harsh
- Jagged
- Lost
- Mysterious*
- Remote
- Rocky
- Secluded
- Sunken
* - this adjective is used only in form two, and never in form one.
Pool of known Noun1 terms
- Arena
- Bastion
- Commons
- Courtyard
- Fort
- Fortress
- Forum
- Frontier
- Hall
- Market
- Outpost
- Plaza
- Ruins
- Stronghold
- Wall
Pool of known Possessive terms
- Monastery
- Oracle
- Sanctuary
- Shrine