
From YPPedia

Kisamef is the captain and card sharp of the crew The Ninjas



Kisamef was originally a pirate in Coppertheft's crew The Big Coffin Hunters. He was kicked off the crew by Coppertheft when someone had added a letter to his name on their pirate and annoyed the captain. He went to the crew Access Denied where he was an officer. He then received an offer to be a fleet officer in the crew Close Call. After he asked to be promoted to a senior officer he got kicked out of the crew.

He saw someone from the crew Dogs Of The Seas (this crew no longer exists) and joined this crew because his best friend Jacksparoo told him about the crew before he started playing. He stayed in this crew for about a month.

Kisamef bought a crew and after 4 days it somehow became oligarchic. Most of the senior officers voted against becoming autocratic again so he then left the crew and joined his best friend Jacksparoo's crew. He got bored there and returned to Dogs Of The Sea. Kisamef remained there for awhile and was promoted to senior officer rank. He left that crew again and returned to Jacksparoo's crew.

After a month, he and Imbz, another crew member, planned to start another crew. Imbz started a crew which Kisamef joined after two days. Once their fame was high enough, Imbz started a flag and promoted Kisamef to royalty. Then Imbz merged his crew into Jacksparoo's crew. After being in Jacksparoo's crew for a month, Kisamef went to remake The Ninjas.

Pirates who see Kisamef on the Hunter Ocean and want a job should send him a tell.


  • Poco
  • Jack
  • Power