Kingdom of Fwirtawots
Kingdom of Fwirtawots at a Glance | |
Sage Ocean | |
Last Monarch | Gramps of Double-Ewe Tee Eff |
Member crew(s) | The Angels of Mercy, |
Dormant or disbanded as of 3 February, 2007 | |
Kingdom of Fwirtawots was a flag on the Sage Ocean.
Public Statement
Hewwos.. if you wikes jokinks awounds and habings funs, not wowwies about piwaggings mucherers, den we ish da fwag for yous! :D
Hoy Hoy.. Dis Fwag be's for da jolly cwews of Sage! :D We ish da awesomeness Kingdoms of Fwirtawot... (Tause we wibs in Fwirtawots.. geds ids? :P)
Pweash don't askims ush, we nots wants any allies, but pwenty of fwiendies :) We are just morale peoplies :) We just wikims habinks mucherers funs! :D
Declaration of War:
Nawww, we not wars you, maybe challenge you to a game... OF HIDE AND SEEKSIES! =O! Does you accepts our challenges?! :O
Crews Seeking to Join:
We nods carims mucherers about fames, islands, wars, politics.. We just wants habs mucherers funners, pwactice our Gonnie Engwish (hows am I doin' Fwag? xD) And plays games like Hide and Seeks and twies to habbers funs! :D We does not cares for if you just wands pways and habs mucherers fun wather dens piwwage and conquer islands. If dat be your ambitions, dis is da wong fwag for you :s But-- Don't fink us gweenie just betause we tawks funnies and and.... betause we wibs in widdew houses... and we hides in twees... We ish expewienced =S As much as da next gweenhorn xD Also's, 2 titled upon joining :P depending on your wuffability metre rating.. (How wuffables you are and how good a fwirt you are) depends on if you get royalties too :P But Royalty can aweways be earnt in due times :)
Background Info
As noticed by many, the statement for Kingdom of Fwirtawots is not so easy to read at first. This is due to the flag and crews having their own mini-language called Gonnies Engwish (as mentioned in their statement).
This flag maintains the good morale of its members with a strong set of forums where they spam and have a lot of fun. Its members are also known for docktarting, just laughing, and poking fun with and at each other.
Kingdom of Fwirtawots was disbanded on the 3rd of Febuary 2006 after a dispute between the crews. One day Gramps and Twixie hope to re-establish it to what it was.